Monday, March 31, 2025


PURPOSE: The purpose of the Standards Committee is to enable Districts to help squads in their membership to meet the training and equipment requirements of the Council.

GOAL: To provide the highest quality of trained volunteer personnel and equipment in answering basic life support first aid calls in the State of New Jersey.

OBJECTIVES: Identify any insufficient areas of training and or equipment in the District. Offer aid to help eliminate the problems. Encourage squads to meet the required standards. Report findings to Districts if any action is needed for compliance.

COMPOSITION: Each District Committee shall consist of five members. The District Vice President, who shall chair the committee; a District officer, preferable the Chairperson or Vice Chairman; three elected Delegates, with one slot being filled with the most tenured Delegate who will agree to serve. The District Chairperson will be responsible for the appointment of the Committee annually. It is strongly recommended that all appointees have full training certifications.

DUTIES: The Committee will meet with each squad captain or president at least once, preferable twice, yearly for purposes of ascertaining that the members answering first aid calls are trained to the level of Council Standards, that basic equipment is carried and maintained. Results of that inspection shall be reported to the EMSCNJ Standards Committee. If a squad is found to be deficient, the Committee will ask that the squad comply within sixty days or arrive at a mutually agreed upon plan for the squad to meet compliance. Members who do not have full certification must be removed from the "Unsupervised Duty Roster" and are not permitted to answer any calls unless under the direct supervision of a fully trained EMT who will be responsible for that person or persons. Results of all meetings will be reported to the Area Vice President and the EMSCNJ Standards Committee Chairperson by the District Vice President but not to the District at this time. If after the 60 days or agreed upon time has elapsed, the committee will then report the problem to the District at a regularly scheduled meeting. The District will then attempt to help the squad attain compliance by meeting with the leadership of the squad and asking for compliance and offering possible help or suggested solutions to help remedy the problem. If this fails and after consultation with the Area Executive Vice President, it shall be the responsibility of the committee to enact the provisions contained in Article VIII of the by-laws of the New Jersey State First Aid Council.

Districts that have need for a larger committee will be granted permission to make additional appointments upon request.

The EMSCNJ requires all ambulances, regardless of gross vehicle weight, to exhibit a current NJMVC (formerly DMV) inspection sticker as part of our standards inspection procedure. There has been some confusion regarding this at some local NJMVC inspection stations. To view a copy of a memorandum clarifying the NJMVC policy, click here. In order to allow relatively clean downloading, there is no other content on this page, so please use your browser's back button to return to this page.

The 2019 Standards Instructions and Inspection Checklist is available for download as Adobe Acrobat files.



and click on "Standards".  You'll need Adobe Acrobat® Reader to view or print these files. To download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat® Reader visit

All information on this page and the downloadable forms are © (copyright) 2016-2019 by the NJ State First Aid Council and intended for use solely by member squads. Any other use is contrary to public law and subject to prosecution.

Questions about our standards program? Please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.